
Vimercate (MB) : Via Vittorio Emanuele II, 61 – 20871
Tel. 039668421 – Cell . 3311338470
E-mail : info@v-data.it
Hours : 9.00-12.30; 14.00-18.30

Lorem Ipsum (LI) : Via Lorem Ipsum, 61 – 20871
Tel. 039668421 – Cell . 3311338470
E-mail : info@v-data.it
Hours : 9.00-12.30; 14.00-18.30

Useful for verifying that in the meantime there have been no job changes with a new substitute, in order not to indicate or delay the timing of the reimbursement due.
Indicates for each the degree of kinship (spouse, child, other) followed by name, surname, tax code and% deduction. Family members who in the tax year had a total income equal to or less than € 2,840.51, gross of deductible expenses, are considered to be fiscally dependent family members. From 1 January 2019, children up to 24 years of age, whose income received does not exceed the limit of Euro 4,000, can also be considered dependent. For those over the age of 24, the limit of 2,840.51 continues to be in effect. Therefore, if a child turns 25 in the tax year, the limit is the ordinary one of 2,840.51. the spouse’s tax code must ALWAYS be indicated, even if it is not fiscally charged to the declarant.
Property sold, purchased, leased
Indicates the tax code and the choices for the destination of the 8, 5 and 2 per thousand
The CHOICE YES for viewing is absolutely recommended as it allows the control of the necessary documents to be attached and the direct control of the Professional who sends the tax return with the attached documents and the required deductions
In the event of these expenses, indicate the data requested above relating to the sentence and receipts of the amounts paid, ex-spouse’s Tax Code
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 5 files.
Attach the required documents: 1) Valid identity document front / back 2) tax code 3) Single INPS / AE Mandate (pre-filled and CU Matricole) You can find the mandate to request the pre-filled and CU including those of pensioners in the declaration documents area. Print it, fill it out, scan it and attach it here.
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 2 files.
To be attached (in a separate envelope) choice of 8 – 5 – 2 per thousand signed in original by the taxpayer. The documents to be filled in can be found in the declarative documents area. Print it, fill it out, scan it and attach it here.
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 25 files.
Attach all income documents, CU, rental contracts, mortgages, sales, expenses to be deducted. It is allowed to attach a maximum of 25 files
I declare that I have read and accepted the privacy policy
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.